Additionally, there are other metrics by which to evaluate a company or value its stock. As always, speak with a financial professional if you feel like you’d benefit from more guidance. The limitations outlined above play into some of the potential drawbacks of the asset turnover ratio when analyzing stocks, too. Mostly, it comes down to the fact that as…
The fixed asset turnover ratio focuses on the long-term outlook of a company as it focuses on how well long-term investments in operations are performing. Sometimes investors also want to see how companies use more specific assets like fixed assets and current assets. The fixed asset turnover ratio and the working capital ratio are turnover ratios similar to the asset…
Cara Menjawab Pertanyaan “Motivasi Melamar Kerja” Saat interview, dapat dipastikan rekruter akan menanyakan, “Apa motivasi Anda melamar kerja di perusahaan ini?” atau “Mengapa Anda ingin bekerja di perusahaan ini?” Mengapa rekruter ingin mengetahui motivasi Anda melamar kerja? Pertanyaan tersebut akan membantu rekruter untuk memahami karakter Anda, tujuan karier, dan rencana profesional Anda terhadap perusahaan tersebut. Selain itu, motivasi melamar kerja…