Literature review is one of the important sections of a scientific paper. A literature review contains an overview of previous studies that have similarities in terms of objects, issues, or theories relevant to the topic we research. Understanding easy ways to write a literature review is essential.
The literature used serves as supporting material for the study being carried out. Therefore, researchers are required to read extensively from various sources to gain broader insights and references to develop their studies.
Here, Pruf Ritz shares several easy steps you can follow to write a literature review:
- Leverage technology
You can find data sources by reading books, journals, or reliable conference proceedings. Today, we can make use of technology to access these data sources. For example, you can search for references through Google Scholar, the national library’s journal website, or university websites that upload their students’ research reports.
After finding the right references, you need to filter the collected literature to ensure relevance to your research topic. This filtering process can be done by creating a mind map or a simple concept map to help structure your thoughts.
You should identify the appropriate keywords to search for relevant data sources in writing a literature review. With the right keywords, researchers can easily find relevant literature.
Use specific keywords. For example, if you are looking for information on media analysis, clearly specify which type of media you want to analyze. This way, the results will be aligned with what you need.
Take advantage of search filters based on publication date to make it easier to find your desired references. If you need the latest literature, activate search filters to show sources from the past few years or months only.
- Record the collected data
The next step is to record the data obtained from your literature search. Organize the data so that it is easy to understand and rewrite as part of your literature review.
Group the literature by thematic categories, methods used, or applied theories. Manage and store your data sources using tools like Zotero, Mendeley, or My EBSCOhost. These tools make it easier to save and manage data sources, write footnotes, and compile literature review.
- Analyze collected data
At this stage, you need to compile and compare the data gathered from the previous steps. Start organizing the data so the connection between each one become apparent.
Review all the data and analyses, and align them with the required data categories. Do not forget to include citations or source of literature as a way to acknowledge the original authors. Proper citation also helps prevent plagiarism.
Writers often compile literature reviews merely as a formality, making them read like summaries of literature. However, what is actually needed is a deeper analysis that highlights the connection between the literature and the ongoing study.
This way, readers will have a clear understanding of the points the researcher wants to convey. Essentially, the literature review serves to justify and support the methodology, findings, and conclusions of the study being conducted.
- Look for foreign-language sources
Do not hesitate to use foreign-language sources if local-language materials are limited and if the topic you are researching cannot be found otherwise. You may even find deeper and more valuable insights in foreign-language references. Restricting your literature sources based solely on language can actually hinder the development of your study.
To search for foreign-language journals, use translated keywords in the target language. If you encounter difficulties understanding foreign-language academic papers, there are various solutions, such as using translation services.
Pruf Ritz can assist you in translating foreign-language data you need, making it easier for you to write your scientific paper without language barriers. Pruf Ritz aims to help more people express their brilliant ideas by using language as a powerful tool to build strong communication.